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తొమ్మిది నెలల కరెంట్ అఫైర్స్ - నవచైతన్య కాంపిటీషన్స్ | 9 months Current Affairs in telugu by NavaCHAITANYA Competitions

9 months Current Affairs in Telugu by NavaCHAITANYA Competitions Importance of Current Affairs Practice Bits: In general, In any competiti... thumbnail 1 summary

9 months Current Affairs in Telugu by NavaCHAITANYA Competitions

Importance of Current Affairs Practice Bits:

9months Current affairs
In general, In any competitive exam that is being prepared by the Aspirants, Current Affairs is the most crucial subject. Ask any faculty and they will advise you to read daily newspapers regularly for current affairs. Most candidates, however, are not able to read newspapers and spot current affairs points in newspapers. Navachaitanya Competitions is trying to explain how to read newspapers for current affairs.

Daily Current affairs Online test:

Navachaitanya Competitions has been offering Daily Current Affairs Test for the last two and a half years as part of this effort. To write this Current Affairs Online Test, which is completely free, it is enough to join the Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group. You can write the test by clicking on the 'Daily Current Affairs Online Test Link' in the Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group.

How to Join In NavaCHAITANYA Competitions Whatsapp Group:

To get the Daily Free Current Affairs online test link you need to join the Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group. For this, candidates should send a WhatsApp message from their WhatsApp number as NC DAILY 15 to 9640717460. In the reply, you will be sent the Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group link. You can join the Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group by clicking on that link. This Navchaitanya Competitions WhatsApp Group will send you the Daily Free Current Affairs Test Link as well as the details of the paid online exams conducted by Navachaitanya Competitions.

Current affairs in Telugu PDF:

As mentioned earlier, Navchaitanya Competitions has been offering the Daily Current Affairs Online Test for the last two and a half years. However, some candidates want to provide these current affairs bits in pdf format. For the candidates who are requesting the Current Affairs Practice Bits in PDF format, which is being developed and offered by Navchaitanya Competitions, Current Affairs Bits for the last nine months are being provided. You can download the 'Nine Months Current Affairs Practice Bits PDF' by clicking on the link below. This pdf contains 15 objective questions for from Current Affairs covered daily from January 2021 to September 2021. You can also share this current affairs practice bits (in Telugu) pdf with your friends.
Current Affairs Practice bits in telugu

To whom are these current affairs practice bits useful?

These Current affairs Practice bits are useful for the aspirants who are preparing for APPSC, TSPSC Exams, AP DSC, Railway Exams, Bank Exams, Constables, Sub Inspectors, Endowment Officers, Junior (Computer) Assistant, Assistant Engineer, and all other Competitive Exams 

ప్రస్తుతం అందుబాటులో గల ఆన్ లైన్ పరీక్షలు

1. ఎండోమెంట్ డిపార్ట్మెంట్ ఈవో - ఆన్ లైన్ పరీక్షలు - https://exams.navachaitanya.net/navachaitanya/endowment-eo-online-exams-navachaitanya.html
2. జూనియర్ (కంప్యూటర్) అసిస్టెంట్  - ఆన్ లైన్ పరీక్షలు - https://exams.navachaitanya.net/navachaitanya/junior-assistant-online-exams.html
